ArikirA Holdings Pty Ltd

Miniature and Pygmy Goats for Sale
Please scroll down this page to see the goats that we currently have for sale.
Goats are removed once sales are finalised
$2600, Conditions apply.
After doing his magic here, our beautiful Australian Pygmy Buck "Romeo" will now be available for sale to the right home. CAE and JD free, registered with AABMGS and transported from the southern states to QLD, he is ready to work. DNA testing for MGBA registration is included in the sale price.
He will be available for viewing at the Toowoomba Royal Show QLD on 9th April 2016, however, due to a high level of interest may be sold prior to this date.
Please contact Natalie via email administrator@arikira.com.au to register your interest​

We currently have no Pygmy or Nigerian Dwarf Goat kids for sale.
Periodically we have registered goats and kids for sale. These are high quality animals, much sought after for breeding, showing and as pets. To ensure you do not miss out, we strongly recommend that you join the waiting list by clicking the button below.
Miniature Goats for Sale 10/05/2016
Beautiful Registered Australian Miniature Kids $250
We have one cute as a button miniature wether(desexed male) available for purchase.
He is still on his dam, but can be transferred onto a bottle for those seeking a bottle baby.
Registration is included in the sale price.
Registered Australian Miniature goats make great pets on small, fenced acreage.
2. A non-refundable deposit is taken at agreement of sale. The remaining funds are required to complete the sale within 2 weeks, unless otherwise negotiated in writing.
3.All transport is at the buyers cost and is to be organised by them. There are several registered businesses that supply this service and we can provide you with contacts if required.
4.Animals will not be loaded onto transport until payment is received in full.
5. Animals not picked up within 1 week of completion of sale will be charged an agistment fee of $10/wk plus husbandry maintenance costs.
Please contact Natalie via email: administrator@arikira.com.au to register your interest